Saturday, October 24, 2009

wondering where my confidence flew.
faster fly back neh. i need u.

need put much effort in knowing how to handle my new hairstyle?
though jus little diff but the more i see the more ugly it gets.
since i now so free then i'll do that.
sick and tired of all the dolling?
but perhaps all this just for attention nia. nvm.let it be then.
it seriously does not feel good to be treated transparent. sux ok!
no matter how tiring it can get. i must go on.
since the day u start u have to continue. jy?

wondering how come i become like that.
emotions must be controlled. if not i dont know what will i do.
since the day i said that i dont trust friends as much, i know that i'll do anything just to get what i want.
real me ? or imaginary?

xy loves him

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